Extremely rare and inspired by contemporary Byzantine coinage
Los 327
Ella Gabaz/Wazen Agad, circa late 550s-560s. Unit (Gilt Billon, 16 mm, 0.98 g, 12 h). ✠ወዘነ-ነገሠ ('wznngs' = 'Wazen, king' in Ge'ez) Draped bust of Ella Gabaz/Wazen Agad facing, wearing tiara inlaid in gold, circular earrings and pearl necklace, with small cross over his left shoulder. Rev. ✠ነገሠዘየዐበየለመደኀነ ('ngszyʽbylmdhn' = 'The king who exalts the Savior' in Ge'ez) Cross with central circle inlaid in gold within distyle arch. Hahn, Aksumite, 67. Hahn & Keck, MAKS, 74.6 (this coin). Munro-Hay, AC, type 117. Extremely rare, just ten examples recorded by Hahn & Keck, of which eight are in private hands. Minor deposits and light scratches, otherwise, good very fine.

From the Dr. Stephan Coffman Collection, the Maekelay-Tigray Collection, Roma XXII, 7 October 2021, 71, and reportedly from the collection of Francesco Vaccaro (1903-1990).

Ella Gabaz/Wazen Agad was the first Axumite king after Aphilas (circa 310-325) to feature a facing bust on his coinage, most likely inspired by contemporary Byzantine coinage.
500 CHF
400 CHF
3600 CHF
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